October 2011

A recent proposed FTC consent judgment sends a warning to avoid default program settings that compromise privacy when setup routines create the impression they do not. The FTC’s underlying complaint against Frostwire LLC, developer of P2P file-sharing applications, alleged that the firm’s software for the Android platform “was likely to cause a significant number of consumers installing and running it to unwittingly share personal files stored on their mobile computing devices with the public.” It’s desktop software allegedly “conveyed a

Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for iStock_Lock.jpgBy Gail Crawford and Amy Taylor

At the end of 2010, the UK Government raised the national threat level for cyber security risk to Tier One (the same tier as the terrorism threat) and announced it was allocating £650 million (around US $1 billion) to governmental cyber security measures and resilience developments.

A recent report by Chatham House in association with Detica indicates that many private organizations are well behind the government in how they evaluate and defend against these